Sunday, December 30, 2012

Focus: Tiny Trades, Fun & Original Pics

Once upon a time there was a photographer. But he was no ordinary photographer...

If you've been following Malam for a long time, then you already noticed, for sure,  that all our beautiful pics are gently taken by some guy named YANN :)

Malam is happy to introduce you to

Brilliant, full of talent and ideas all as original and creatives as each other,  we instantly thought that his own particular style was just PERFECT for Malam. 
Art photos of tiny trades, pumpkins, etc. with a charming little guy wearing a tailcoat and a top hat on a pale pink background. See what I am talking about?

Oww you like it? 
Hell no, you mean you love it??! 
So do we!! ;)

Guess what, our dear professional photographer just opened his own e-shop... to keep on making us dream forever & ever. And so that we can wander more easily in his lovely MAGICAL world <3 br="br">

Because at Malam, we're so fond of ONE OF A KIND creations made with love, that makes you dream with just one glance ;)

More?? :D



Then you can go right now to:  ;)

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